No Piece of Content Can Convince Anyone of Anything If It's Never Listened To, Watched or Read

Effective content starts with understanding your readers. In most cases, those readers are your prospects. What can we tell them that they don't already know? Ideally, can we tell them something that would contradict what they think they already know? Whether it's true thought leadership or even an opinion blog, no one will click to see what they already know.

That is why we are a specialty content business. We focus on eight areas where our writers know the audience well. After all, how can one surprise a reader unless the writer has a good handle on what that reader already knows. That requires years of topic coverage experience, which is what we deliver.
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See Our Topic Specialties

Topic Specialties

Banking / Fintech / Payments
Cloud Computing
Retail IT
Healthcare IT

Effectively Creating Podcasts

Whether you want to distribute your podcasts internally (piggybacking on your current site, newsletter, social media, etc.) or externally (Google, Apple, Soundcloud, Spotify, etc.), we have years of experience making your people sound authoritative and insightful.

If you want podcast commercials, we create those as well. (All of the commercials on our sample page are ones we created.) If your goal is to have podcasts that truly engage your prospects, let's talk. Listen to Our Podcasts

Some of the Companies We Have Helped With Content

The Reason McKinsey Turns To The Content Firm

"The Content Firm’s writing and research approach demonstrates a level of in-depth understanding of complex security topics, synthesized and easily understood by Chief Information Security Officers and Business Leaders.
The Content Firm’s writing and research approach demonstrates a level of in-depth understanding of complex security topics
They investigate breaking issues and leverage their vast network to cut to the core of the matter so his readers are informed with simplicity and insights rather than overwhelmed with detail."
Justin Greis
McKinsey partner overseeing cybersecurity

Our Approach to Qualitative Research

Many companies today love doing quantitative research, which typically means surveys of customers or prospects. But those are often impossible to meaningfully analyze as different respondents will interpret the questions and answer options differently. That's why we take that quantitative research and pair it with a journalist who intimately knows that area.

We then interview select respondents (the ones who check off "are you willing to be interviewed about your answers?" on the original survey) and drill down into their thoughts. That allows us to know far better what they meant and that in turn allows us to write a report on the results with accurate analysis.

Why Infoblox kept coming back to The Content Firm

Network security leader Infoblox has been regularly using The Content Firm for four years as it found the content more effective than anything else out there. "The Content Firm was recommended to write a guest blog for us four years ago and we’ve been publishing their insightful blogs ever since-they always had interesting ideas and a powerful way of communicating them.
The Content Firm’s team truly understood our audience and spoke with them at their level.
Even more importantly, The Content Firm’s team truly understood our audience and spoke with them at their level. Those fascinating stories engaged our customers and especially our prospects, helping us communicate strategic points far more effectively."
Sunil Amanna
Product Marketing Manager

Content ROI Best Practices

A content strategy can be highly effective at delivering an excellent return-on-investment (ROI), but only if the content is executed properly.

What does content ROI look like? For almost all of our clients, it means new revenue, either from installed base/existing customers or from prospects who convert into new customers. Learn More About Our Practices

Why Wipro used so many different services from The Content Firm

"For the last six years, The Content Firm has been simply amazing as a trusted content partner in the Edgile transform to exit journey, driven by our shareholder ambitions--resulting in Wipro acquiring Edgile in 2021.
Their CISO insights and practical cybersecurity knowledge allowed him to operate at a speed and quality above his agency competition
Their CISO insights and practical cybersecurity knowledge allowed them to operate at a speed and quality above their agency competition giving us a competitive advantage to reach our customers. We used them for blogs, podcasts, moderating discussions, news releases and even research strategy consulting, among other services."
Dan Seyer
— chief marketing officer for cybersecurity and risk services at global consulting firm Wipro and the former CMO for Edgile.